Empowering Trade School Students with Thurgood

Empowering Trade School Students with Thurgood

by Darnell Epps

Jun 11, 2024

We’re excited to share some news from Thurgood. Our journey to connect skilled trade students with meaningful careers is taking a major step forward with a pilot program at three campuses of Lincoln Technical Institute. This initiative isn't just about launching an app—it's about creating real, positive outcomes for students, employers, and the skilled trades community.

Creating Connections and Building Community

At Thurgood, we believe that every student has a story to tell and skills to showcase. Our mobile app is designed to do just that by helping students post about their projects and experiences. But more importantly, we’re here to build a supportive community where students can connect, collaborate, and inspire each other. Whether you’re sharing a cool project or offering advice to a peer, Thurgood is your space to grow and connect.

Opening Doors to Job Opportunities

We know that finding the right job can be challenging. That’s why Thurgood is focused on creating direct pathways to employment. By partnering with various employers, we’re ensuring that students have access to job opportunities that match their skills and interests. Our goal is to make the job search process smoother and more rewarding, helping students transition seamlessly from school to the workforce.

Recognizing and Rewarding Skills

One of the core outcomes we’re striving for is the recognition of students’ hard-earned skills. Through our platform, students can take assessments to verify their foundational skills, earning rewards and boosting their employability. This isn’t just about passing tests—it’s about celebrating the dedication and talent of each student, and making sure employers see their true potential.

Bridging the Skills Gap

The skilled trades are essential to our economy, yet there’s a significant gap between the demand for skilled workers and the supply of qualified candidates. By building a vibrant community on Thurgood, we’re not just filling jobs—we’re addressing this gap head-on. We’re creating a future where skilled trades are valued, and where students can pursue rewarding careers without the need for a four-year degree.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

The pilot program at Lincoln Technical Institute is just the beginning. We’re committed to expanding our reach and making a lasting impact on the skilled trades community. We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether you’re a student looking to connect with peers and find job opportunities, an employer seeking top talent, or an educator wanting to support your students’ career journeys, Thurgood is here for you.

Let’s work together to create a brighter future for the skilled trades. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to build this incredible community. Thank you for being part of this journey with us.

For more information and to get involved, subscribe to this blog (below), download our app, or email me directly (darnell@thurgood.work). Together, we can make a difference.

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